The 1% Rule: How To Fall in Love with The Process and Achieve Your Wildest Dreams

The 1% Rule book “The 1% Rule,” is now available. The honest truth is: The 1% Rule is the book I wish I had. Because I’ve been where you’ve been —and needed a way out. Fast. Tried Everything, and Felt Stuck In a candid interview, the author of “The 1% Rule” shared insights into the journey of self-improvement and … Read more

Your Lack of Enthusiasm Is Killing You and How to Get It Back

happy girl

Stroll through any mall today, and you’ll notice that many people have turned into zombies. There’s an obvious severe lack of energy, no spark of life. Everything feels automated, dull, and devoid of passion. I found myself at a concert not long ago, expecting unrestrained excitement — instead, the crowd stood motionless, arms folded, even … Read more