Your Lack of Enthusiasm Is Killing You and How to Get It Back

Stroll through any mall today, and you’ll notice that many people have turned into zombies.

There’s an obvious severe lack of energy, no spark of life. Everything feels automated, dull, and devoid of passion.

I found myself at a concert not long ago, expecting unrestrained excitement — instead, the crowd stood motionless, arms folded, even as their favorite performer gave their all on stage.

What’s noticeably absent in many is simply enthusiasm — a quality I consider vital to the human experience.

It’s often said that enthusiasm can compensate for many shortcomings, and I firmly believe this to be true.

Today, I’ll explore 8 strategies to boost your enthusiasm.

Key Takeaways:

  • Engage in a loved activity daily to fuel personal joy.
  • Cultivate curiosity to enhance life’s vibrancy and perspective.
  • View past negatives as blessings for a positive outlook.
  • Surround yourself with positive, energetic people to maintain enthusiasm.
  • Create personal triggers (e.g., music, nature) to boost energy and inspiration.
  • Practice presence to fully experience and enjoy moments.
  • Care for your body through hydration, nutrition, and sleep for better energy.
  • “Act as if” to embody enthusiasm and attract positive changes.

1. Do Things You Love
girl laying on a bench and reading a book

Make it a point to engage in one activity you adore every day.

Regardless of whether you’re juggling a full-time job, family obligations, or a plethora of other duties, carve out time for something that’s just for you.

It could be something as straightforward as reading a bit of a book, enjoying a meaningful conversation, spending a few moments outdoors — choose something and deem it utterly non-negotiable.

Action Step: Select an activity you genuinely enjoy and can commit to daily without external motivation, and fit it right into your schedule.

2. Be More Curious

Recently, I captured a video discussing our dwindling spark of curiosity — what once blazed like a wildfire in our childhood now barely glimmers, on the brink of extinguishing.

Curiosity is intrinsically linked to our enthusiasm. Anyone who has watched children can attest to this.

Discovering something entirely new will push us to discover all the elements associated with that particular concept.

To rekindle this flame, engage with life with genuine interest.

Ask profound questions, start learning something new, or gaze at the stars, pondering the universe’s mysteries.

Reviving your curiosity will transform your approach to life and your perception of the world.

Action: Dedicate a moment each day to cultivate curiosity, whether by engaging in an unbiased conversation, fully immersing in the present, or introducing a dash of adventure into your daily routine.

3. See The Benefit In Every Situation

Complainers and negative people suck the lifeblood out of any enthusiasm.

They see everything as a negative and put themselves in victim mode which is not only a massive turn off, but is a black hole for any positive energy.

If you look back on your life on situations you once considered negative, it’s likely you now see them as a blessing.

  • That time you got fired unexpectedly? It woke you up to a new, passionate career.
  • When you got dumped for seemingly no reason? It allowed you to work on yourself and not cling to something that wasn’t going to work anyway.

When you see everything from a positive angle, you’re using the power of an abundant mindset which is associated with a high level of enthusiasm and is contagious.

Action Step: What part of your past are you clinging on to? Write it down and examine how this benefited you long term.

4. Surround Yourself With Energy

enthusiastic girl

To truly embrace a life filled with passion and enthusiasm, it’s crucial to be in the company of those who share similar values.

No matter how passionate or engaged you are, being surrounded by 99 negative and dispirited individuals will eventually take its toll.

Initially, you might resist, but after a year, their influence is likely to have dimmed your spark, underscoring how significantly your environment impacts you.

Take a moment to evaluate your social circle. Identify those who uplift and inspire you versus those who drain your energy and foster a pessimistic outlook on life.

Action Step: Seek out and spend time with people who are enthusiastic and have interests aligned with yours. That sort of connection is vital for maintaining and amplifying your zest for life.

5. Create Triggers To Pump You Up

man in podcast

I was on a podcast recently and I was asked:

Dude, how are you always seemingly on fire and inspired?

My answer was simple: I have trained my body and mind for years to get into this state on 85–90% of my days.

I’ve worked my ass off and there’s no looking back — and you can as well.

The key is to create triggers that put you into this state, such as:

…and more. This varies person to person, maybe the way you create your trigger is to wear your favorite outfit, or being creative.

Action Step: Find 3 triggers that naturally raise your enthusiasm and start exploiting them as much as you can.

6. Wherever You Are, Be Entirely There

beautiful sunset

Have you ever found yourself in a breathtaking setting, yet your mind was elsewhere?

Imagine witnessing a beautiful sunset or dining with close friends, but not being fully present.

Later, you realize you missed out on truly experiencing the moment.

Being present amplifies enthusiasm by engaging all five senses, allowing you to fully immerse in the moment, breaking the constraints of time, and fostering genuine connections and experiences.

Often, we’re not entirely present in our experiences; we’re distracted by our phones, preoccupied with financial worries, or bogged down by various insecurities and doubts.

Action Step: Recognize what causes your mind to wander during experiences. Make a conscious effort to keep your phone away and be fully present in the moment.

7. Appreciate Your Body

Appreciate Your Body

Your enthusiasm for life is deeply connected to how well you care for and nourish your body each day.

Every action we undertake, including reading this text, consumes a portion of our mental and physical energy.

Thus, it’s no wonder many feel like they’re merely going through the motions, drained by:

Action Step: Start with the basics—prioritize staying hydrated, eating whole foods, and aiming for an extra hour of sleep each night.

8. Act As If

Lastly, take yourself mentally to a place where you are the enthusiastic person, you’re the one full of passion, you’re the one who attracts and connects other people.

Feels pretty awesome, right?

“If you want to be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic.” — Dale Carnegie

You can make this happen, but in the meantime, act as if.

Inject this energy into a conversation today and be fully aware of who you were yesterday is not who you are today.

You can change your mindset and behaviors at this very moment to become whatever you’d like to be.

It is one of the main differences between humans and other living beings. We have the quality of reinventing ourselves countless times.

The only thing we need to do is being fully aware of what and who we are, and knowing how to undergo the change.

Action Step: Make the choice to simply change the way you behave today, do one thing differently and inject enthusiasm into it.

Final Thoughts

There are no downsides to enthusiasm. It’s attractive, contagious, attracts opportunities, gets you remembered, and can change your entire experience.

You will notice that the moment you start geing enthusiastic, you will spread the positive energy around you.

Sounds pretty amazing, huh?

Use the above to start injecting enthusiasm in things you do today and watch yourself not only grow but also experience a deeper level of fulfillment which is going to impact every area of your life.